The airports
The National Airports Office is invested with strategic missions as far as they support the development of air transport in our country and the economic sectors linked to it.
These missions concern the management of international air traffic, aviation security, airport security, and the quality of the ONDA’s services. They, therefore, engage the credibility of the Moroccan state vis-à-vis the international aeronautical community.
ONDA’s strategic plan is part of the momentum that the Office is experiencing today. This plan includes among its objectives the development of all airport platforms. The last few years have seen the completion of several projects. These have given rise to the exploitation of new platforms. These development projects have made it possible to modernize infrastructure, significantly improve the quality of services and adequately upgrade air navigation safety equipment.
These extensions required installing a certain number of equipment and installations dedicated to the operation of the new terminals and ensuring the reception of different types of aircraft under conditions that comply with the standards and regulations in force.

Casablanca MohammedV airport
It is an international airport located about thirty kilometers south of Casablanca in the commune of Nouaceur. With a capacity of nearly fourteen million passengers and 150,000 tons of freight per year, it is Morocco’s main airport and the fourth largest in Africa after those of Johannesburg, Cairo and Cape Town. It is named after Mohammed V, King of Morocco, from 1957 until he died in 1961.
Served by fifty scheduled airlines and connected to nearly one hundred destinations, the airport recorded 9,357,427 passengers in 2017 which represents an increase of 8.60% compared to the previous year.
As for its capacity, the objective is to increase it by 2017/18, with the resumption at the end of October 2014 of the expansion/renewal works of Terminal 1, as well as the expansion of Terminal 2 (it is currently dealing with more than its maximum capacity).